Sunday, 16 February 2025

Are you Nazi cunts hurt a litle

 to not listen when being told?

Why would that be? Because you managed to turn the 99.5% unpunished Nazis into real humans? Because France is again a true Republic proud of its values and equal treatment of all parts of society having overcome privileges and class gaps in society? Because the British Monarchy stood up collectively against fashist rioting mobs? Because of fair, helpful and never ever patronising Policing? 

Where the fuck where you living the last 50 years?

Ah! keep your mouth shut boy! It is worse here than in the U.S.An ad fucking Russia!

America voted a freak into office that actually found on second attempt a really useful purpose by looking at the books and Russia successfuly kept Perestroika while all and every Nazi collaborating family is still alive and killing them would be called murder. 

What is wrong with you????
