Tuesday, 18 February 2025

France - Le probleme des Broches

 These guys are les Brooches. They speak French, not as bad as on France24 and within the Elysee, but it is notably different than the original French. 
They live in Grenoble, an Alpine town I always wondered why it was so important to the Nazi people.
The weired part is that the rather remote town harbours high-tech industry facilities important for secret service and military technology to an extend that every fifth depends on that industry, instead of moving to Paris and it's surrounding area. 
In the vid the guys complain that the city center is dying and most shops are closing down ignoring that the city center has to serve the population and not just a fraction of those living there. The majority of jobs is in factories and not management. In Europe taken over during Cold War by Nazi collaborators deep into all industries the gap between managers and workers is incredibly large. The original French is only spoken among the lower class and the national TV puts subtitles when ever they are heard so the Germans understand.
The attitude is typical. They prefer to sell one item to one person so expensive that they can make a living for a month instead of 30 items to 30 people throughout the month to make a living to by an economic downturn amon their class complain and do nothing else than complain.
These humans took power and all parts of economy and society from us natives that they today call Algerians or ask from which village we would be refusing to speak and live like SS man Landau in Inglorious Basterds.
Of the 150.000 thousand citizens of Grenoble the majority depending on low to mid income jobs will be in need of durable reasonably priced clothes instead of cheap fast fashion or expensive luxurious brands, restaurants and coffees to socialise within spending time with lower priced but fine dishes and beverages, household items that last and have no build-in breaking points. Basically all and everything these now dominating characters murderd and raped in Auschwitz for profit that was never made. 
The harsh truth is that their design of an economy right now fails without any chance to fix it.
No one can run a territory based on Credit Money and Taxes. You spit like that Mayan Slave running Tyrann on our Holy Books Tohra, Bible and Koran calling us the Barbarians. Again!!!