You as well can go in a full blown psychosis onto the Streets! For some that's way more fun.
Do you have any idea how difficult you are for a believer???
To her defence is that American woman most likely really Jewish and part of the Woody Allen Intellectual Manhatten crowed of secular jews caught in a constant identity crisis all Woody Allens movies are about.
It would help them, if they'd research their family history understanding if that was all true or if their personal pro Judaism decision was secretly badly minded receiving a dark psychology attack based on love denial and bigottery.
Way more than regular Analyst sessions she needs a good Orthodox Rabbi with also an Freudian Analytical education to show her a better way of finding inner peace.
Personaly for me does Israel has a right to exist, but not as a Jewish Nation insisting on the Diaspora as a blessing.
Kabbalism sais that a Messiah send from Heaven will.come if every Jew stuck for two Shabbats to all Shabbat rules to establish a Paradise on Earth for all humans. The only way to get there is by erecting a Kingdom of Heaven which must be based on Love, Peace and Harmony.
Something the path to might be the goal.