Tuesday, 25 March 2025

In a not that far future...

... Somewhere in the outskirts of a European town....
Friday evening. Someone else had the late shift to deliver Pizza into Centre Ville. George was up for a night out. Salsa. Dance. A cellar below a normal house somewhere in the outskirts of what the Provos called a Sprawl was turned into a Club. Cheap drinks, but of really good quality, fine Weed from local growers and imported from the Netherlands and no hard drugs. Zero hard drugs. No shiny mirrors, but really good music. Joana was whom he was about to meet again. She was visiting and it was love on first sight. 
They could not not text each other and secretly wondered who would move to whom to figure it out; If it was real love.
He prepared and slipped into fine, but not too fine cloths to head to the underground club they kept a well preserved secret telling no tourist or rich people while listening to a short range Pirate radio station with reach no more out than the quarter of town full of poor people on small wage serving the elite. He headed out.
...later in the Club...
The Party was gong. It was not loud. Nobody had to scream to talk. The Crew running the Club got notice that a few Police Vans were on the main road closeing in. The Drone went up to check them out and they took course to the Premises. The Degger on the screens also operating the Drone triggered a silent alarm and every Street Samurai got a red light warning. The snipers span their cross bows, the bus was turned to block the road and barb wire blocked the pedestrian walk. Many came with their rides having invested a good percentage to keep them nice. Police drove in. They must have managed to get a Moule in or followed someone being too happy for their lifestyle. 
The three vans stopped at the Bus and a short minute later three dozent Police in riot gear stepped out up for a riot busting the place into non existance. The moment everyone was out the snipers took out from the higher ranks down as many as they could. Reloading a cross bow took some time, but they were effective. One fired, one span. Each team had two bows. The Police spread out and grapped their Pistols in which moment the Street Samurais in the body armour used their Pistols captured from other National Police in prior attacks and retaliation runs to fire from lower positions at the remaining Police until the last one was dead.
Now the clean up started. They took all Uniforms seperated by size, stripped Guns and Ammo and drove the Vans into a Garage for a proper chop job to be usable. The corps ended in plastic sacks and were returned to sender, this time with a bomb.
They have a low learning curve and this was Republican Ground and all knew right from wrong having no wrong. Le Terrisage had turned Tiresage. Who had balls lived par balle for those in peace and love.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell 
