Sunday, 23 March 2025

It is simple,

 but you don't like it. The only way to keep a Credit based Monetary System alive is by someone pushing per debt money into it.
This is the Governement. Before two World Wars there was no single currency, no credit was given, no interests charged. Paper money was backed by Gold, Silver or a 10kilo Hemp sack.
You created so much false history and believe your own lies that you can't think anymore reasonable or logically and the drugs you call medication make it worse.
Die of Cancer, Rich and Powerful.  

For idiots like PhT in Economics:
Bank issues 1000M
Bank charges 5%
The system now has 1000M
Where do the 5% come from?
How does the system have 1005M, if only 1000M were issued?
Credit Money does not work. It's a scam, like Network Marketing or Sliced Bread or Fridges to Innuit in Alaska. The money can only come again from the Bank. If the Bank does not put the missing 5% into the system, the system fails.
You still refuse to acknowledge.....