Monday, 24 March 2025

Underground Rap? What....

 happend is that from the Leighton Barraks by support of the Officers and Generals understanding the CIA intentions, a solid, defencable underground Hip-Hop scene developed, owning Cafes, Clubs, Record Labels, Studios to create Art, Skate Videos, Music, DJ equipment, Hi-Fi equipment, electronics, doing parties and concerts protected under the 2nd Amendment from organised Messiah List Project FBI and CIA theft, identified as the Domestic Enemy collaborating and supporting Germans and their new SS organisations.

We kill.

Provos, supported by the Provitional IRA is the Terrorist Ultra Aggressive and Extremely Militant part of that insisting on the enforcement of all treaties punishing Germans and their illicit organisations and thereby also all collaborating organisations without any new trial. Every CIA Agent having harboured and supported Germans or German Organisations needs to be executed on the spot without arrest or granted PoW status. There is no ligitimate German military or law enforcement, because each was build and formed by SS. This is no negotiation. This is justice overdue.

 I kill.

 Death before Dishonour