Thursday 12 August 2021

Corona and life

Delta is rising, Lambda still on its way and another Variant on the check points in the UK and USA. The UN lead WHO epidemiologist and COVID-19 technical lead, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove sais that Virus are not alive and I wonder how she got into a major position within the World Health Organisation having a doubtful definition of life.
NASA is searching for life in space and first for not intelligent life. Dr. Google sais that NASA defined life broadly as "A self-sustaining chemical system capable of Darwinian evolution." 
This means that being a live means to fit into its surroundings, to adjust and change, to progress and develop.

I don't think that someone not understanding the very biological and chemical basis of life on a philosophical level is capable of filling an important position such as lead in the WHO.

Corona is quite alive taking the NASA definition as the basis on defining life or alive. 

Our society puts against Corona humans like Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove on the line and that gives me confidence that we won't win the war against Corona. A war I don't even would take on, if I had to. For me it is easier to keep pretending I am as stupid as my low level no education carrier looser CV shows so impressively to all those in credit riding that luxurious car into the prestigious double garage in the outskirts of town in fast fashion up to date textiles, while I walk.

Darwin explains evolution in a two way system. Progress for those fitting and decline for those unfit. This happens parallel and as all natural phenomena in an exponential manner.
Technological development happens exponentially, climat change happens exponentially and Virus develop and spread exponentially. 

Corona will not come as only Delta, but quite possibly in several Variants soon. Today we still have the first two major mutations around and Delta is taking over gaining dominance by being more infectious, while so many humans cannot stay at home anymore and cannot withstand the urge of getting and coming together giving ground for more spread and mutations with variants more resistant against vaccines available made by humans like Dr. Not-A-Live. 

In the same way a Virus is denied being alive the doctor title denies accepting any suggestions from noneeducates like e.g. me or anyone else that misunderstood studying with reading a very lot to understand rather than collecting a certificate.

I also just watched the latest trailer of a high resolution video game starting in a flooded anarchic urban terrain, quite like the vision of the table top Shadowrun Game of Hamburg City when climate change rose sea and also ground water levels right into 30 to 40 cm above street level creating vast abandoned areas giving space to non society shadow runners after a Virus struck mankind.

The sad part is that living life would be easier for many today being loosers in society, when being out side of society in areas society gave up fully and that going back to normal scares me more than expecting to go "grocery shopping" in full arms, because at the desk nine to five I have to pretend and wear a mask to fit but never really would, being Cyberpunk honest me.