Monday 16 August 2021

Violance creates Counterviolance

And than I sit here in my save little, boring valley and can not do more but write. The Drug Kartells, created by the CIA fighting socialism and sowjet influence by clandestines means way out proportion considering whom they supported instead and without having any long term vision, are under fire.

In Brazil Militias are taking soil from junky drug gangs and Mexico now sees the first militant resistant groups. The Mexican Troubles are starting.

General Collins, who founded the IRA in the 1920 and leaded Ireland to independence had a respectable opponent that knew the law of war and respected the rules of engagement, used targeted assassinations to take our leadership positions within the British Forces and Services hitting them so hurtful that they got onto the diplomatic table.
The war in Mexico is not against anyone like the British Army whos soldiers were recruites for many reasons and none like those of the Mexican Kartell soldiers. 

These militias defending them facing the same enemy as the Jews in the Warszawa Ghetto or any Deserteur on the run from suicide hold orders. The first were facing deportation and death in a KZ, the latter death by being hung at the next tree or just shot by the Weapon SS having no mercy or soul.

Fortunately, they are in a different and better situation with good survival chances. They are fighting to protect and not to take down as many as possible, to make failure as expensive as possible, because it is better to go down in a fire fight than to give up without a fight, if death is certain.

I was born in someone elses blood, I do not mind getting down in someone elses blood 

The bosses, officers and also their supporters are known in Mexico and all of south, central America, and the world. They are loosing ground and will continue to do so. The quicker the better for everyone. Drug Lords and Drug Lord affiliates all have the same attitude and lack of good spirit in common. They are the modern Weapon SS.

I do not frequent posh blingbling spots or venues.
I do not have anyone close that I can take out or at least cripple and get away with it and is affiliated with the Kokain and Synthetic Drug business. 

I do not stride nightlife.
I do not go onto parties and I am not able to give someone snoring a line on the rest room a proper kicking and beating. 

I do not score street gear.
Here no gear is sold and I cannot use that they wont call the police, if taken out ripped of their profit. 

I do not want to go from streets to hitting highways.
I cannot go on the run after smaking someone shopping making profit on powder even so I quite fancy another time homeless being registered inapte definitive avec bonne character in France. 

I am no gangster.
I am in no gang looking for a reason to move town and abroad for longer by taking out the Alpha and into serious hospital time to teach him or her respect.

I am cyberpunk musician.
I have a blog that is read only by a few, that might inspire a few and there are things I don't have right now.

There are some unanswered questions that came up lately looking like violant trouble ahead, so.
I am waiting to counter....

Who is Tom and what about my copy rights???