Wednesday 17 November 2021

Anonymity, e-mails, www, security and freedom

I just checked for free mailers beside the big once. And there is nothing. My conclusion is that it does not matter if on uses gMail or Outlook or what ever you find. Only Tor based mailers look even more like you put yourself automatically on the CIA or NSA person of interest list.

The internet was first a military network designed to withstand a Russian nuclear attack and parallel a University network connecting scientists around the globe. Officially Tim Berners-Lee kicked of the World Wide Web by creating the Hyper Text Markup Language founding the next level book, by turning Gutenbergs invention digital and adding connections of bits of information by links.
Basically, the first WWW was no more than the http part of the web page address. A HyperText Transmission Protocol to connect the texts on computers in far distances with each others. Kinda Wiki based on PhDs.

Somehow IBM must have heard of that computer interlink and someone within their think tank cloud understood that there is way more in based on that base technology: Cash to be made by gaming off Atari stand alone and possibly even online shopping... Someone hopefully got a good promotion for that white paper.

Tragically, their buddies from within pro U.S. hemogenia world power supporters freaked out when someone explained the net part of "internet" properly and the U.S. took well care that the publicly usable internet is under control.

Those services and organisations that base their legitimation on the declaration of independence and the constitution of the United States of America which are the the two most important documents of human rights beside the UN Charta and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen from the French Revolution actively hindered the development of free, independent, self-ruled information flow based on computers. Only, a couple of decades after they build up Europe's leading nation with Nazis.

How did the Nazi spirit to control and rule everything and everyone make it into the land of the free and who are those that are not controlled? 

In a fashist society one group is superior in status to all other groups. In the U.S. this is the same group that founded the CIA, that turned GE into the biggest financial scammer ever, that declared Nazis useful to fight communism, that pushes the idea of human divided in races, that reestablished the use of the N-Word for some, that tries to disarm citizens, that considers the state the only stakeholder of a society allowed to use force, that created todays greed is good corporate attitude: Greedy slave drivers, that come in different shapes, colours and live and breath the social system of a rat pack in constant conflict against all and everything, as if the Sith would be real today and in major positions of power here in this galaxy.

I hope you read this, Sith of the Free World, if you exist!

"Are you solo?"
"Are you from the Resistance or the Empire? Do I help you or kill you? And you can call me Han."