Sunday 21 November 2021

How to learn from the real Mafia hot spures

I established in my blog that the real Mafia has origins in fighting surpression and not in dealing with toxic substances or actions. When I see a report like on Sky on Tottenham being stuck in a conflict of Police Vs Locals and everything gets to fuzzy to understand for me why this happend and where the bad apple is, I try to look for those parts I understand.
"No body helps us to get jobs,..." is a typically European statement an American would not drop.

Tottenham is a perfect example where a grid lock of conflict takes an entire population hostile by everybody focusing on the conflict taking away all creativity.

Britain is rather supportive for little and tiny business by having them easily registered and turned legal. 
If no one gives you a job an American will look on how to make a Dollar. The good guys legally, the bad guys on conflict product. Who ever screwed up Tottenham during the 80ies during the Hooligan Battle over Britain now tries to recruit dealer stupids, but is on hold due to the pandemic and a general high level turmoil in the drug and related secret service level.

The A10 goes through Tottenham and appears to be a route almost straight from London's Tiffany Shop to the quarters north further out of town of the wealthy and richer white colours. Even on a Sunday the road is put in red on Google maps.
Money on Barkley Cards is passing by unmelked.

Gangs are organised by WhatsApp, own scooters and have bags to transport gear. From bad weed or even worse pouders turning them into pray of OC and Coppas to any other product that fits into the bag an finds a buyer.

The same tactics to sell weed or pouder stupid apply for little products legal. Like on every British office estate a tiny van comes by, rings a bell and everybody steps out for little, hot and cool products.

London is the actual birthplace of alternative and indie coltoure. That's those rich and not that rich kids that consider their all white hoods lacking diversity. A blond with dreads or rasta is no more or less fake as the Chelsea bitch in a beamer scratching glass table surfaces with her Rolex. 

Oxford, hopefully today united by academics and one of the toughest neighbourhoods in Britain, is Tottenham in tiny. Cowley is the best place to hang out at a weekend night in my humble opinion and I think I know who gets a beating on that turf. 
Violence is part of mankind, but it is important who goes down in a street or yard: The Good or The Bad.
Fucking Cyberpunk Star Wars Real Live.

So, the Camorra used their scooter transporters to keep tiny shops filled with fresh milk taking away cash spent from the major supermarket chain. The fast eat the slow not the big the tiny says it in Elite British Business Economics Collage books. Thx Oxford University, I can read, so I can learn.

A potential customer driving by a major high street especially in slow traffic keeps looking around checking out the high street shops. He cannot step out to go shopping, if there are not even sufficient parking spots. He might miss what he did not know yet he was looking for without a flyer from a by stander that is full of adverts designed by a capable graffiti artist.
How many shops have an online catalog or can be checked out on google maps 3D picking their item up next time they drive by from the same Gang all legal through the car window all payed online or gear for cash in a quick one min stop sale?

So, you use your creativity to find new words to complain without recording them and using DistroKid to upload them. Police won't do that for you neither. Like no social worker will pull you of your Playzy, free you desk from chaos and turn it into a little work shop supplying the high street shops with product to be found the same way like one eights bags. Survival of the fittest and do these pair of trousers fit the potential client? Try selling weed all in Armani top to bottom on the play ground and take the same outfit to present a business plan to bankers further south of London to kick of finance of a small or tiny Indie Pub in Tottenham to further invest your savings. From runner to spot owner. Failure at your desk work shop so is no prison time or gun shot wound and MOD will either out smart or just fucking kill toxic gang coltoure for more Good Fridays to come.

And all for a sutton Police is Police as in Police an no other gang no more.

Cee U CyberPunk