This blog looks at this real world as, if I was sitting in a cyberpunk pub in a Sci-Fi parallel universe with a super skunk ciggy and a sweet bourbon, and this world was the video game. I am a fully independent artist with no management or distribution contracts. Piracy is a crime and harms artists. Report abuse, theft and piracy to the local authorities to help free, independent artists!
My music on your prefered Streaming Service
Sunday, 27 February 2022
MEMES - 1er centre recruitment cyperpunk cells
PS: Spelling? Are you french?
Thursday, 24 February 2022
Love & Gardening & No space to small
I lost my heart and all for a sudden my little garden turned green. Love is what this world moves and moves this world.
Instead she started showering on her own longer and longer and attitude and character changed to a point where she had to move out.
Wednesday, 23 February 2022
Social issues of Homo Sapiens or the class room issue
My very personal theory on Corona is that it fulfils for evolution the same purpose as the black death that ended the mid ages and made space for renessaince in which the first human right principles were written down and took over in society.
The Virus back than killed 80% of the European population and the rest managed to get back to the same level in only 200 years, but in a better society.
Today, with 6 Billion humans on earth there is more poverty on the world that ever.
We fail to create a better world even for the rich considering medication abuse, hidden alcoholism and stress levels living a life based on a constant lie on who are you?
In Germany a class room with 30 pupils is considered almost too big to teach and more than 35 turns the teacher into safe sick leave. Groups of 12 to 15 promise best performance.
That means, if we stick more children in a small space like a room they turn more anti-social instead of taking mare care of each other.
Friday, 18 February 2022
Wednesday, 16 February 2022
From a mystic perspective a police uniform, police batch or a web page or YouTube Channel of a police force has a magical barrier that makes you feel uncomfortable, rises your heart beat, if you write something, say something or do something that would trigger that authorities anger, possibly.
Like an undercover or police man wearing a gangsta like out fit and all for a sudden showing his batch and gun will immediately cause a change in behaviour of almost every person no matter how that flesh and blood just behaved.
Except...you start seeing the world also from a Cyberpuk perspective, as a free human being, understanding that we all and everyone are made out of flesh and blood. They and we and all of us can do wrong and right and are good or bad sometimes, more or less often and have as all of us a free will given by God.
We all are judged by our actions - not status.
In God we trust. For good.
The way of the Jedi
Over come summer issues
Only in the French Revolution the rebels killed all their tyrannes.
And till today France is no monarchy no more.
Since than the tyrannes almost all got away
and we now drive bus with their trash.
Support your local white trash!
It is just a difference of UV-level protection.
I need like five different.....dam
Racial status: Complicated
Ethnic: Easy - Rebellious for Ever - RFEFER
Sunday, 13 February 2022
Influencer - Barbie and Ken - Cyberpunk
So, home alone waiting for better times, sorting out finances, hoping to move south to build up a BnB where people are working to live over living to work ending my corporate world tenure for ever...
I got hooked up by Gold Cost Babes. #OMG
MEMES - Wolfs and Lions and underground link systems
YouTube Channel QR code link
The J4v Cyberpunk Music Blogg
Friday, 11 February 2022
Try YouTube on NeoCov.
Tuesday, 8 February 2022
edX, online learning and a free meal
Do you know edX? edx.org is an online learning platform that was kicked off by U.S. ivory league universities and is full of online courses from topics of common interest to dedicated career supporting programs like several MBA programs.
First time I came across that page most programs only charged a fee for a certified certificate of success and the actual course was free.
That appears to have changed. No free meals no more.
That also means that many, including me will do the math and not even bother trying, because even 500 bugs can be a major investment, especially if the return of investment is doubtful.
Looking back the worst return of investment was the time I tried hard to fit into society and corporate world even so getting cash more than ever.
It is Incredible how much you can achieve if you don't care who gets the credit for it only cuts it for some time and at one point the invested time, effort and stress has to create a profit and no loss anymore.
The best time I had was when I was a homeless in Paris having after two years about 200 Euros in my pocket I did not even know what to spend for, that I did not ask for and only took to make those giving me the money smile.
There are plenty of free meals in Paris. Several organisations feed the poor from breakfast to a three course dinner, yet nothing you would expect in a restaurant, but warm and served with love. The supermarket trash is full of products I could not afford in pay and Police would tell you back than that it was illegal and just walk away.
There is no way that ivory league universities cannot afford to create free online courses and still make a profit by offering the constant best a place on the campus being always on the lookout for the next nobel price winner.
There is no way Germany cannot act like France and has any human argument to forbid, punish and enforce taking food out of the trash, but Germany was build up by NSDAP members (1) and only changed on the surface, because brute force did not cut it instead all those profiting from slave work made short term profit that they managed to secure into peace.
At first it makes me sad that the spirit of slave farm owners that kept their heads after the American civil war managed to expand their inhumane spirit into major league American universities that create the managers of today's Dow Jones and NASDAQ companies.
But than, those might turn MegaCon, those might split of from major parts of mankind, those might actively create a dystopian society and I am pretty sure I will have more fun, better pay and quite more of a laugh with an overal way better return of investment messing around with Con Security and gangs being something like a street samurai on a crusade protecting the innocent, turning MOD from modernist to massacre on demand, walking through oceans of ConMen blood until facing judgement day, while being the nice considered weak in a stable, but anti-social turbo egoism encouraging society that pretends to have learned a lesion form its ugly dark past....is a pure nightmare to me
If Covid was the hyper infectious virus from Shadowrun (2) causing goblinization, if the Shadowrun RPG, the dark future Newromancer novel(3) and the Cyberpunk world was no caricature of today but a vision of tomorrow, I'll be happy in ten, but in a very different way as attempted the last ten.
#OMG one man gang #LOL love or live #ROFL riots of fortune love
If God helps us we might finally punish the Nazis and their children in a than not that dark future after all. We owe it to the world, we owe it to God, we owe it to the better, if we just don't go back to normal
- 1]Bills, Randall (21 December 2012). "The Year of Shadowrun". Catalyst Game Labs. Retrieved 21 December 2012.