Wednesday 27 July 2022

Shopping happy in a consumer world

We all need small and bigger kicks in this society we all keep or even create every single day over and over again, being way too often scared of trying to change or even drop out of, like a sober, no addict homeless, a real Clochard did.

So, we go shopping to buy things we don't need for the small and bigger kick, that apperantly only lasts about three months according to Dr Google news on psychology (you will have to look to confirm for yourself, as information changes).

The chicks know it: "let's go shopping", from just browsing to a parachut level of bags with all stuff coming home smiling and also forgetting about it quickly. 

Spontanious shopping for the small kick is for the rich and stupid, while poor kids that grew standing infront of the toys cupboards in the toy shop, first learned what budget means and than started to study the available goods, overall and wihtin price range. If steeling is no option, because the shop ain no Sheriff's shop in Nottingham city, you'll have to make an educated buyers decision. What is giving me the biggest bang for the buck?!? Investment banking baby level.

While the rich kid keeps either trashing his stuff or simply forgetting it about until someone in the family understands what a flee market or eBay is for and we get a second shot option, poor brainers have only stuff that actually gives joy, in my personal position still nothing I cannot mentally seperate from in about 30Seconds as in heat when the world shoud hit the fan. But that's living in one Hell's Kitchen of this world.

#cyberpunkcoltoure #thestove