Friday 5 August 2022

Some want to use you, some want to be abused - 51st state lyrics decrypted

My favorite Punk Folk song is from New Model Army and called 51st state or 51st state of America. Like the Lilly Marlene Song from WW2 it is rebel song....and patriotic to America.

That's the lyrics, that the major manager did not understand, but considered Anti-American:

Look outta your windows, watch the skies
Read all the instructions with bright blue eyes
We're W.A.S.P.'s, yeah, proud American sons
We know how to clean our teeth
And how to strip down a gun
'Cause we're the 51st state of America
Yeah, we're the 51st state of America
This is the 51st state of America
Our star-spangled Union Jack flutters so proud
Over the dancin' heads of the merry patriotic crowd
Yeah, tip your hat to the Yankee conquerors
We got no reds under the bed with guns under our pillows
We're the 51st state of America
Yeah, we're the 51st state of America
This is the 51st state of America
Here in the land of opportunities
I watch us revel in our liberty
Well, you can say what you like but it doesn't change anything
'Cause the corridors of power, they're an ocean away
We're the 51st state of America
Yeah, we're the 51st state of America
I alike the States of America
This is the 51st state of America

Let's decrypt it:

Look outta your windows, watch the skies (aim for the higher, for heaven, for God and good)
Read all the instructions with bright blue eyes (blue eyed is naive and in turky the symbol for a deamon is a blue eye)
We're W.A.S.P.'s, yeah, proud American sons (We are White AngloSaxon Protestants and proud sons of America while we aim for a higher aim reading your rules in naivity. This is the strategy to survive in the 51sts states of America)
We know how to clean our teeth (The teeth are self-cleaning not the ears and many are allergic to some substances in the toothpaste)
And how to strip down a gun (just from watching movies)

Our star-spangled Union Jack flutters so proud (The flag of the USA today stands for many for a new form of emperialism, while it's meaning is a proud on of freedom and independence from an empire and flags only flutter in windy or stormy weather)
Over the dancin' heads of the merry patriotic crowd (The good of the Americans are the real patriots that know how to throw a party and from Rockabilly to Hip-Hop living the proud and noble values of America and the flag)
Yeah, tip your hat to the Yankee conquerors (While the conquerers among them need to be greeted with respect to get past them)
We got no reds under the bed with guns under our pillows (We are called communists, but are actualy republicans believing in the self-rule of the people, good lords fighting over exploiding us and have to have guns in the rebellion against the conquerers and for the American patriots)

Here in the land of opportunities (We have opportunites in the 51st state of America, no doubt)
Hah! (Nice wording for fuck you)
I watch us revel in our liberty (Revel means to great delight, and here, in liberty)
Well, you can say what you like but it doesn't change anything (The problem and why we need to rebell)
'Cause the corridors of power, they're an ocean away (The problem and why we all are called communists and need to know how to strip a gun)

There are many songs out there from Wonderwall stating Nazi in a certain context that sound different than the lyrics officially published by the major distributor and even more songs that their cocain head yankee conquerer managers did not even bother to listen to properly.

#vicelaresistance Let's build a New Model Army!!