Monday 22 August 2022

Crisis in Germany

 The Germans face a drought that lowers river levels down onto historic lows, they have an economy depending by apperantly 60% on Russian gas, Corona might hit again after the summer vacation time in autom, the Polish are angry about Germany not delivering any tanks despite a deal that made them give about 200 modernized pride of the Polish forces to Ukraine, violance against Police is rising and airtravell is failing.
During the boom, which was the longest in the history of the western economy, the Germans did not save, but increased spending and no investments into energy efficency from housing to the cars sold were made. Instead laws made it more difficult to put solar panels at the facade or to put up a windcraft wheel on your ground and the cars sold had more horsepower than ever, but for the traffic light sprint and not goods pulled. 
News are slowley crawling up that the German mRNA vaccine does have in some cases sever side effects and currently the fourth booster shot is handed out. No other vaccine needs boosters in such a short time frame, yet this is an unseen pandemic and a new Virus...
..that nobody has seen, like the need for an energy mix and decentralisation of monopole industries such as the energy market players or starting to support a war against Russian interests might make them stop delivering gas.

This is the beginning of the end of the western model of capitalism. The Arabs have a no interst based fiscal system, the Russians a post-communist system we only hear propaganda about, but that is for sure at least known to be tightly overwatched by the government, while here we have to read between the lines of the news to understand why e.g. Lockheed Martin gets expensive contracts from Pentagon CIA officials, and China appears to be way better off with its Maoist style of communism than many news outleds like to acknowlege considering the Made in China tags on all and everything we bought like crazy during the last boom, that has ended.

I personaly don't think that especially the Germans will reform their system and punish those that brought the western system to the brink of collaps. Most likely an armed conflict within will be shorter and lost in the U.S. by the responsible few while in Germany the situation is under the surface way more complicated. The German Elite is way more conflict based than the American one and therefore has more potential to go against each other with a quite dominant absence of a resistance against ... German fashism in all its shades from Deutschland AG managers, Farmers on confiscated land, Anti-Fa extremists, right wing fraternities, extreme nationalists within the forces, false flag organised crime, racsist rocker clubs and militant neo-nazi organisations this nation is a powder barrel that was kept moistured by a constant cash flow of being Europes Nr. 1 industrial nation.

The loss of cash won't be their main prbolem, but understanding their actual, true position and status will be.

I have to little insights into the system of the very Germans, having been always an outisder sourrounded by false friends freeloading, to be able to estimate, if civil unrest, civil war or increased secret service driven covered operations abroad is likely. I do not know, just that I am a prime target as being a racial Jew for all their extremsist with increased violent potential and that we all won't go back to the normal before, for sure.