Thursday 17 November 2022

The cogney medusa

Cogney is not only an English dialect, but also a way of communication in rhyms and methaphors developed in the London, Newcastle, Belfast and Dublin ship yards and trade harbours by all those being the arms and legs of the British Empire creating activly the wealth of a society that deported hungry men steeling to have a population for an empty land somewhere around the globe to drop out of there world for ever.
Many of the English officers looked away and activley did not understand when a Jamaican sailor that was actually from Free Haiti negotiated deals with an Irish man that cut down is hair to 6 millimeter on a bag of ... something smelling possibly Indian.. personal belongings of a poor sailor not worthy for the eyes of a superior.

Things got harder, since Hollywoods Enemy of the State display of force.

This lady here is known as the Medusa that wiki describes as "generally described as winged human females with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Those who gazed into her eyes would turn to stone." aka a tue Mod's nemesis.
Understandably, she ain one of the good out there.

This is Durga, described as "Born fully grown and beautiful, Durga presents a fierce menacing form to her enemies. She is usually depicted riding a lion and with 8 or 10 arms, each holding the special weapon of one of the gods, who gave them to her for her battle against the buffalo demon" by Dr. Google aka a Mod's reaons to try retiring. (keep trying....)
She is pretty much like a loving mother when someone goes against her little rebells.

Therefore, doing the medusa means you go with all arms against someone bad, because guys getting mixed up with boneheads that do business over stuff from india with blacks, most certainly wont go against the innocent, knowing that acting in love gives you way more hands than your enemy will have in his world of conflict and hate, but those will hit like snake bits. 

Get it?

#provos is the para military baby of the #MODInc movement, that got undercover in the early 70ies by integrating into British society, founded by original gangsters forced to be GI called U.S. military by the CIA faking since the Vietnam draft also Gang Inflicted trials. 
Brighton beach is everyhwhere now, CIA & Rockers. We want our part in society and no slavery carrying your wealth. 

PS: Average wage in Germany is about 2500Euros, thats about 83Euros a day, while approx. 80% of mankind lives by less than 10Euros. Do the math. That also means that 80% have the same enemy as us, but we are in position. Death before dishonour. No fraternisation with the enemy.