Friday 18 August 2023

Comments - Tates psychologist

 Andrew Tate X Psychologist Full Interview

Taty, to be honest. I just want to see you fail or get shot instead of another Dr King or Malcome X. I honestly and strongly believe guys like you should get trashed in side streets, at pub bars and have bullets travell by long distance shots through youre brain, instead of having another bitching session with the next guy considering Bond a rolemodel instead of a lession learned of the other side...that creates guys getting up again instead of staying down when they are hit. Just quoting Lionsgate stuff here...

We need more Punishers and Deadshots, not selfloving, hero hating, hidden gay, but men and woman hating, full of themselves that constantly want to break and interrupt over create.

Because of you and you alike all those that came to create have to first erase...bodys. Snatches.

#provos #MODInc #cyberpunkcoltoure

10:30 No Tate. That you had no time to feel sad or scared is the actual warrior mode, not what you define it as. There are three ways of fighting. Freeze, Attack or Defence. They are basic naturally programmed, no one can change them and has to use them by improving them. Everytime we hit a new scenario, and it it is just a trainride in Europe when you are from the US, you hit into one of these modes. You enter the trainstation the very first time and either freeze to evaluate where you are and what to do next, you attack by heading forward and looking around or your defend by checking what you have with you such as what does the ticket say.

So you did in prison. First time in, new scenario and you had no time to feel sorry or sad as you were bussy with adjusting. You thinking of your guys outside and loyalty is freezing and checking your values, you did not mention the big bad MF next door about to get into trouble or wondering what brought you in.