Friday, 22 December 2023

A world of Empires, as TheGermans need one,

this is typical German history telling. It was no Empire stretching from Africa's West Coast to Afgahnistan and right to the Chinese boarder. It was Arabic Nomad Land. They same happend with Charlemagne having had an Empire with Aachen as its capital in all Franc Countries.
Too much Cocain made those that never had or will have an Empire turn all others into Empires and of course all based on murder and tyranny, if you look closer, meaning read on their version of what was to justify what they did and will try again best first chance.
The only Empires ever existed were based on slavery and surpression of others. They all have in comon that they stagnated in all science and needed even more blood and violance to end. Mayans, Rome, Nazi.
Every system of trade and exchange based on mutual interest that had one main trade language was rewritten into an Empire and even Great Britain still carries an ER for Emperium Romanum in its signe. The Nazis used an asien symbol of a unifing wheel of harmony to paint their tanks murdering and devestating Europe.
Lies....because truth dies first in war, they admit, but they lie when that war started. 

#gfyCIA #gfyBKA