The Daily Mail quite clearly sais we all need war and they appear to agree with Putin that the Continent needs a major reshape getting kicked off in three to nine years.
Their suggestion is to turn all from the Oder-Neisse to Rumania into Russian Oligarch turff and I guess they won't like Chaos from the Wasserkuppe throughout all of the Tatras deep into the Carpathians to the East and to the Black Forest to the Massive Central with the most hot turff in the Vosges, I guess, becaue they will try to control the Rhine bridges and have passage from Frankfurt to Switzerland. Well, go fuck yourself. Who ain waiting to take out Gendermarie or Bundespolizei, please?
You suck already in keeping CCTV areas under rule, what do you wan't to do in Europes ancient Barbarian Woods? Rambo just needed a Knife to take out National Guard, and this is TIE not Hollywood.
Yet, I actually like the idea of the Nation retreating in an Ukrainian small unit war using millions of tonns of steel for stupid Artillery, into Europs all flat lands, feeling a pitty for the Pols so, and hunting down all National Order Enforcement back into their main Sprawls, Towns, by barrying them in all mid-range mountain areas, if they just dare to go off the Autobahn into the wood and farm land to enforce their order over our will.
Europe could become in the next few decades until TheGerman lifestyle and their Nations is wiped out in some areas incredible calm, quite and lonely, in others hot, dangerous and leathel with pretty much nothing inbetween.
Looking at the frontline in the Donbass of about a 1000km, while from Kaliningrad to Sofia it is 1300km, but in a straight line on Google Maps...and I happen to belive a Thank Tank genious did the same clicks for some reason believing that is about the same distance.
I might enjoy the near future. A lot. In a strange way....considering that the even more stupid get a Uniform that sais POLICE on it.
In God We Trust.