Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Finnland War Grounds

TheGermans are up for war and now Finnland is under consideration of a possible battle ground. Beside that the wood needs to grow a long long time and all wood industry can be fed by celulose raw materials like hemp that well can grow from the Ural to Vladisvostock, I still hope you fucking Napalm each other to hell in Lapland, you wanna be Sisus...if you decide to open an even worse Ukraine.
With all given respect to Ukrainians in their entireness, the only real great thing going to hell by artillery is the sweet calm silence of the Donbass and both Moskau and Berlin must be a pain in the ass coming from Bahkmut as refugees.
The idea of creating a war zone of mid age style in fucking Lapland is tempting to be honest, because a modern war all around the Baltic Sea will be devestating considering the amount of main towns in the greater region. Gangs in Stockholm might turn calm, if the first misguided mid range rockets hit town, but for sure not signe into the military to defend their turff in a far distance against actually trained others. Like Russian mafia would....hahahaha
The Balitic Sea has very short distances. The towns are isolated and set in wide rural areas with dense woods and modern agricultural fields, but rather high in population, rich in goods and valueable items creating quite some space for war time looting, in the very opposite of all towns in the Donbass, and the navy is the most modern part of NATO created by idiots on medication. No bullet proof vests, but a drone for a billion US dollars that lacks some civil bullshit to actuall lift off, yet can fly.
Considering that even IDF elite forces manages, a few days after I wrote they would be using SS tactics, to shoot their very own in urban combat, what kind of war is fought in the Donbass, the next battle ground being in the Baltic Sea might start and end in either Narva or Kotka in an urban warfare nightmare considering that both sides are IDF level in destruction capabilitybut Hamas in brutality levels and the Stockholm gangs sell way more hard gear than ever to the rich going broke, but in no way sober like the Wolf of Wallstreet on his brainlevel appropriate trip from Monaco to Switzerland.
Dude....fucking Lappland...

I like Lappland....


At which point does NATO high comand consider giving up any world dominance ideas by force and turn the military into proper big boys playground again to train body and mind for becoming the very best?
How many dead of your sons??  Time comes you die....cause we turned from dieing to surviving and are ready to kill...Trust me... I am terrorist knight.

PS: Can you tell the difference of US and Them. Only good war orders CIA, we know where you are living, fuckups.