Wednesday, 20 December 2023

The German G Rap misconception

Look at this video and understand.
The Crew picks a load from a fence next to a shipping container yard and drives it off with a Van.
The Crew throws a bag from a motorcycle into a Van and drives off.
The Crew has two 9mil Pistols on Powder Blocks.
The Crew shows their town at night.
Do you realy understand onto which turff you stepped?

If you are ligit Albanians than you must know what your fathers and grand fathers had to do in the 90ies. They picked up old hunting rifles and possibly home made guns to capture modern military rifles in a war that had Nazi warcriminals striding through murdering their women and daughters on all sides.
Today the UCK is forbidden. They did neither loos nor win that war about Albanian life.

Do you know where the blocks from the containers come from and do you realy understand the situation on the ground there? What does make you believe that this is far, far away when you help to bring it here onto Europes turff? Do you understand the level of surveillance in international shipping and logistics and how much money, efford and possibly threat it costs Kartells to bring in just one load of bricks?
Do wear even motorcycle saftey gear to survive a run away trip and did you carry the bag on your shoulder to have it save when your Kartell contact told you not to loose the load and what about a bullet proof vest, even so it will only block 9mil and no NATO ammo?
Do you understand that Kartell and Police do have humans that can actually use those Pistols and have no split second thought to kill you if given order, beside what arsenal the Kartells have?
Do you realy know how to hide at home in your town when eitehr Police or Kartell hunts you and do you understand that your town is part of a sprawl, a wider area? Do you know by heart how quick and with how many refils your ride can get you into the next big town?
Do you know what you are doing???

#MODInc #Provos

I am telling you, that there is a war coming non of your fathers or grandpas will take part in. 
Greed is so different from Freedom.


@UCK hold the valleys. No one leaves alive, please.

PS:You don't even know what you gonna do when your greed is satisfied, but what do you wanna do when you cannot satisfy your greed ever, beside die in misery...or with a smile knowing you tried.


Go Fuck Yourself Central Intelligance Ageny
you missed your time to sober out