Saturday, 23 December 2023

New Gear by TheGermans

I have never heard of Captagen and doubt that moslems use it, except using TheGermans defenition of moslem. This is usally price negotiations if Polizei, respectivly BKA, want's a bigger cut.
Assads nation was build by SS men helping to designe the Syrian Secret Services. The offical RAF got trained in Syria, Baalbeck, some local Clan boyz are from the same area, and this is also were the Civil Rights movement of the Palestinians got the worst of the bad into their ligit fight creating many bad apples. You don't deal with TheGermans. You tell em or kill em.
I wonder, how a extremly militant and dangerous organisation under biggest threat to be wipped out by Hisballah, Turkish Military, Kurdish Militias and ISIS will react, if fatboys with striker fired niners get too big balls....
How do you manage to piss off everyone always granted period, please?

What is wrong with you??

@AssadsCrew hit hard. Show them how sophisticated you can act and kick them out of all zones of your control, beside a strike on their homesoil. BND hides in Goethe Institude, just in case, you did not see the trees because of the forest and I am curious to understand your level of expertice using expedition corps.