Saturday, 23 December 2023

The official story on music scenes

Again, TheGermans push their view on their Tecno. It even starts with the all underground legend created by TheGermans that in their need of absolute rule need to rule both the charts and underground parties. To do so, they push the real underground into Hollywood, such as Project X Leighton Barraks Housing Summerschool end party, and hunt down all efforts to establish an independet from hard drugs and copy right theft music and party scene by gangs and law enforcement such as UK Garage and Jungle. You either take their drugs or you get taken and stripped of your creation and finally freedom.

All aspects of partying are since the Civil Rights Movement and the Woodstock Music Festival under special surveillance and deeply infiltrated by national secret services. No second Star Sprangled Banner, but more and more hard drug addicts no matter that their material was all stolen.

By now you should know what the Nazis do. Do you want to be my wonderwall...

Everybody with some brain will understand the discrepancy of words and written booklet lyrics, the difference of the music and the artists life, the opposite in message and actions in today's popular coltoure representatives and only those that believe they are ruling by being so much smarter ignore that all know while them being on hard drugs with the doctors help.

What will happen, is that more and more violance will hit the hot spots of TheGermans lifestyle venues and right after them turning parties in stand around meetings they will push even worse music with even less sound spectrum through their lousy sound systems being on even harder designer drugs.
All of that would not be an issue, if they just would keep their hands off others property and rights. There is no way they will not use Police and Gangs of any kind to hit down anyone that starts creating fine quality music to steel, to take the fame and to punish what is better than them.
Giving the Nazis shelter after having colaborated with them created a society in which you will need to kill in order to have independent, hard drugs free parties to dance, celebrate and actually come for the music instead of to show off your rich mens prestigious items.

The pills in Project X were Hippi Extasy that is in no matter related to the GeStaPo MDMA "E" and a lot of the shootouts and punishment campaignes of the 90ies against especially TheGermans were based on the fact that their CIA kids from the party told them about the name of the pills to them copying the name, but for a hard drug amphetamin derivate. After the first dead young woman, all they said was she should not have taken a whole pill. A lot of that was turned into Mayan MC and SoA with a sparkle in The Punisher.
The Extasy in Project X was Ascorbine Acid, Vitamine C, soaked in Barcadi and than pressed by e.g. using a metal solid garlic press, until it pops to create a chemical reaction combining the two. A hard drug user won't feel anything, a normal person a little soft rush, soft comperad to the devastating hard drug kicks TheGermans are into. A strong glass of Ascorbin Acid and water will give you an imediate rush making you feel muscles in especially your face you did not know you had and Bacardi being Guave Destilled Alcohl is known for bossting you. The two combined are nice, MDMA in opposite is stronger in its chemical structure than Meth.
 TheGermans and their associates are into strict rule and every lie is fine. They only take a step back against the stronger and look for the weaker.
A group of High School kids that started with music production, successfully even encouraged by the psychologicaly profiling teacher creating intel for the ministry that is surveilled by the Intelligence services, does not stand a chance against a drug cocktail using vioalant Gangster or Rocker taking over the Crew with support by Police. 
If a U.S. Military High School does that, they need MP ... and have to deal with their Green Berrets friends to finally face someone with a KnightThieve Assassine Education from the valley they called Hells Kitchen.

Get ready, I make you move out soon....

We either accept that this hard drug passive aggressive lifestyle is further enforced ending all creativity or we fight back. We have food and dry places to sleep, becuase of IRA bombing runs and an urban underground war against tyranny. We have to attack for having happy lives in all rightous liberty. IRA movement. Be a Provos!! Do better when ever you can get away with it....