Someone asked the King Of Russia how Russia and EU will deal with each other past the war. What ever he sais, there won't be an EU anymore when I am done. The EU is a set of nations.
I like Chaos.
We have to get rid of the powerful in the West and Europe will have babies again. As we always were until darkness came, with all around us and we are the center of the prospering world.
In the Renessaince woman had seven to ten children in their lifetime and all it needed was to kill the feudallords.
The best way to kill the new feudal lords is to create chaos by a system so complex they fail to control it with even bissier main center towns, even more connected sprawls and even wider rural areas.
As a matter of fact, the mighty agree to have all and everyone move to Berlin from Mosingen, to Paris from Saint-Petit-Ville, to take trains and buses in Manchester-Leeds and the Rhein Area.... decide if you do so before 9 in business casual and past 6 again or in a black hoody taking food from trash or shelfs, making paintings, beating up cops and having weed on your pocket for some bills from the all 9iners, protected by 9mil at 9oh on....
Vivre, ancien Legionnaire,
mais Vivre
le chaos