Ok. You got Joes box?
That is quite a selection.
Ok. Listen.. You meet the target in the first, you put on the virtual leash in the second, you meet his buddies in the third, you'll get the fist set of Jewels on his Yacht in the fourth, make notes we have limited communication and that's check points for the mission, you knock him out in our club in the fifth and make the first data copies through the night telling tomorrow what a bull he was, six is second round fifth what worked once works twice, short trip vacation with his brother in the sevens to the familiy vacation home we need access codes to, important stunner important, be careful with his heart in the 8th you are into endurance sport he is a show off, I am serious, the last one is the killer and we'll have a testamonial placed as his law company. What you think?
A year? I do that in 6 month.
...3 month later...