Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Slum Coltoure in Europe

...does exist. Slum Coltoure means that you live in an area in wihich one thing won't happen and you are fine with it: Getting Rich.
In a world that is money based, in which each coin comes with interests and you are in need of regular free meals while being constantly bothered into at least trying to get rich or dying, it is difficult to live Slum Coltoure, because they do care, but in a strange way, about you.
Slums are actually places in which there is no money for hard drugs, plenty of things to do and the very little things count. Hard drugs will kill everyone taking hard drugs by hindering all the things to be done, from handwashing cloths, cleaning up the place with little soap, cooking from base ingredients and still finding time to make a few pieces to get what you cannot get in exchange for anything but pieces.
As soon drugs hit, as they did in the Favelas of Rio and Sao, it is no Slum anymore, but a closed Ghetto under siege; An urban underground war zone. Slum Coltoure fights back hard drug culture by hiding, liying, pushing and even killing, unseen, untraced and unheard like the tax man from those the drugs are actually for, for those in the Slums. 
In some places the tax man fríends fight back: BOPE.
In Europe, this is all a bit more difficult and more criminal. Food is available, but taking from the trash boxes is illigal or at least needs para-military level timing to catch it before the trash man does. All that is old and cannot be sold anymore is guarded by fences in protected companies, instead of placed at the street and the car needed to transport all that made it somehow past the fence and guards are upon surveillance by armed problem makers every possibly opportunity no matter the tiniest reason.
You need to be a fucking Ninja to get a new cupboard or spare parts for the old computer avoiding monologues of know it alls about theft, law and the system that would help you at some point.
Further more, the only role models of the ambitous willing to break the law for a just bit of a better life is ... the tax man friends desieres of what is off charge for them, but providing costs time in custody beside realy bad company for those providing the demand in all pieces.


We need Palermo Udemy in MP4, please