We live in times of change. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution mankind is reshaping itself in every aspect from the way we live together, the way we live in nature, the goods we consume, how we build our opinions and form our characters, how we define rich and poor, what we eat and how we eat, how we treat what we will eat, how we work and how we get payed, how we are sick and how we treat sickness, how we define healthy.
Everything is changing.
The biggest changes happen by revolution, which is per definition a dramtic change, those tend to come in war too often in times of nucelar overkill and industrialised mass murder factories. The biggest changes were caused, as in the times of the Dark Middle Ages shortly before the Plague, by the worst among us who choose one of the seven sins of death, a definition of bad behaviour that was first mentioned in the Renessaince when the last major Revolution of all of mankind was won by The Best and The Bad were put into clear borders limiting their powers. "And she is still spinning", an old man instead of a crucifed young man.
Fashism was the worst revolution in recent times. All of them were driven by greed and jelousy and did everything to plunder and murder everyone who was better. Until today we are dealing with the results globaly.
There is a change coming among the hardocre sinners, I believe. We have reached a plateau of technological development. Basically, there is no invention anymore since the TFT screen. They just get bigger. The Holographic Projector Screen in 8k is not possible and even the Maglev Train struggles to make its way into transport, despite being ready to build.
The greedy used the jelouse to get hold of what their greed drove them to. From companies and nations to gold teeth of Konzentration Camp inmates they did not know any limits and used ever stronger drugs to make it worse by wanting and getting even more.
I believe that time ended, but those rich that have to wait for a camel making it through a needle hole until allowed in heaven, will change to anger and lust.
Angry, because everything is changing faster and all comfort is lost and lust because sexual kicks are even more extreme than a heroin shot, give power and control and let you forget all bad and uncomforatble around.
Basically, she is the first sex bomb hardcore level that I see in a Dubai level of luxerious space. It is happening, Jolene.