Thursday, 7 December 2023

The Paradoxum of Existance

When I state that we should have killed all SS shortly after the war, those following in the footsteps of their grandparents will say to those in doubt that they would not be here than, too.
Would you not?
Your grand parants, if they are realy your biological grand parents, only gave genetic code further and that can be altered by self-training. The eduction they passed on to your parents can be rebelled against.
You are more than your genetic line of ancisters, which was common knowledge until feudalism came back hiding as TheGermans who only pass on their power to the male first born not matter his character or choices.

To go deeper into that topic, in physics are theories of parallel universes and the same guys will state you exist infinite times in parallel universes, but possibly as a rich man or poor man. The problem with that theory is that it needed a certain set of decisions to create you as you are today, both on your ancisters meeting and you making your own decisions forming body and mind.
You'd be different in a different world and therefore not your here existing self.

Hypothetical thoughts are difficult and as much as there is a chance that having firering squats run taking out all SS until '48 would stopped a future next Buddah by learning from the mistakes of his ancisters, there is a chance that you all be here, but with better lives, bodies and minds.

Fact is, it did not happen and we are all responsible for our own decisions. Each one of us.
We are humans.


Pay Day Is Coming