Friday, 8 December 2023

The Media and reasoning

Imagine this is all false information and the actual situation on the ground is quite different.
All information of that Max Headroom channel is based on media reports that all belong to a comperable oligopole as all products in the Supermarket. 
They state that a few North African men operate cocain smuggling through the Antwerp harbour and rule some quarters of town.

A few facts:
With a population of 536,079,[1] it is the most populous municipality in Belgium, and with a metropolitan population of over 900,000 people, the country's second-largest metropolitan region after Brussels.[a][3] 
 Morocco          76,593
 Netherlands 28,582
 Turkey         25,419
 Poland         12,430
 Spain         09,644
 Italy         06,841
 India         06,229
 Afghanistan 06,223
 Bulgaria         04,915
 Iraq                 04,862
Important to know:
After the Holocaust and the murder of its many Jews, Antwerp became a major centre for Orthodox Jews. At present, about 15,000 Haredi Jews, many of them Hasidic, live in Antwerp
And to get the whole picture:
Antwerp's diamond district, also known as the Diamond Quarter (Diamantkwartier), and dubbed the Square Mile,[1] is an area within the city of Antwerp, Belgium. It consists of several square blocks covering an area of about one square mile. While as of 2012, much of the gem cutting and polishing work historically done in the neighborhood had moved to low wage centers elsewhere, about 84% of the world's rough diamonds passed through the district, making it the largest diamond district in the world with a turnover of 54 billion dollars.[2] Each year, approximately 50% of the rough diamonds return to Antwerp for cutting and polishing.[3]

Over $16 billion in polished diamonds pass through the district's exchanges each year. There are 380 workshops that serve 1,500 companies. There are also 3,500 brokers, merchants and diamond cutters. In 2017, roughly 234 million carats were traded in the district, an area with a workforce of 30,000 people. Over 80% of rough diamonds were purchased in Antwerp.[4]

Within the area is the Antwerp World Diamond Centre, and four trading exchanges[5] including the Diamond Club of Antwerp and the Beurs voor Diamanthandel, both of which were founded by Hasidic diamantaires,[6] the Antwerpsche Diamantkring and the Vrije Diamanthandel.[7]

In summery, the media that is mainly controlley by Holocaust profiteurs, states that in a town in which 54 billion Dollars are turned over in an industrie dominated by Orthodox Jews an Algerian Crew manages to pull of a major Cocain ring, the most favorite drug of those that called the SS for more Zwangsarbeiter, ....  next to a lively population of a major Arabic town that would have a dozent militias, if it was placed in the Middle East, but all sober, in opposite to the Haifa Party Szene and most certainly German DAX Aufsichtsräte.

Dude... ???
#MIB #Provos

The problem is that the Mossad has a doctrine established by the Israelits that "a bit of Anit-Semetism us helpful for the Zionist project". We are enemyies!
Yours, The Jew Lover.

Just google it: ...