This Max Headroom of those that consider themselfes Patriots and are put usually into the Right Wing Crazy draw by the main media misunderstand the severness of what is going on.
All strategies of the visible problems are based from all sites on a stable German nation.
You are getting fucked as we speak, boys.
Explain me how the DAX reached a new record high in times of recession; Why the Pisa study shows that German kids keep learning less; How the German railway strikes in times of viewer transport; Why Frankfurt Airport was just voted the worst in Europe;
if not by any other reason that you started to belive your own cheated and falsicated all statistics as early as back in the late 80ies....
What will you do when Polizei is taken out and off the streets. When Latin American gangs control harbours and main parts of towns. When the Ukrainian Legionairs come back challenging them and all national order as too soft, but with battlegrond knowledge, when Kartells and Yakuzza took over control and ownership of entire stock market companies, when the Russian finance Anti-Fa and Gangs to have entire towns loos their national control from Leipzig to parts of Hamburg and deep into Rhein-Rhur-Main-Neckar, when Unions arm themselves again as in the 1920ies, but to support Werkschutz protecting their one house one family workerhomes all around Wolfsburg, Ingolstadt and parts of the Höchst like Industrial Areas against looters, while someone turned the Real Estate of Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank into living space with guarded car parking, keeping only an online service?