Thursday, 4 January 2024

CIA BS talk another round. Jets.

The Eurofighter from their perspective, while that airplane from my point of view is failure waiting to happen. Also industrial desgine, and all industrial objects have a designe, has on its top level a set of philosphical principals. To me in aerodynamics it is most signifacant that the best objects become prettier and prettier, which is because in extreme levels of aerodynmics objects need to perfectly fit or they get destroyed. Wind can by has hard as concrete wall.
If you do long trips on any motorway you got used to fridge level designes of trucks. When I ride along a long lane of trucks I understand that each of them would use less fule, like a very lot less fuel over its entire lifespan, if the front was not flat, but had an aerodynamic designe with the wind instead of against it. If the trailer would continue that philosophy and the trucks behind would close up using electronic savety systems we all could use imense amounts of less fuel as a consumer society.
Laws stop that, but its human made laws. 
In fighter designe the barrier of sound will give evey human a big major fuck you, if you break the laws of physics and if you turn too hard being a badly trained pilot you die at about 10g forces having impact on your body by only doing a flight manover.
The Eurofighter is an instable design and keeps flying straight due to a computer controlled stability program. It litterly is the Porsche 911 designe of fighter aircrafts, because its center of gravity is on purpose at the wrong point to have it easier dropping into dogfight turns, but by sacreficing flight stability. The two little wings at the nose are constantly moving to help the pilot to keep the stick calm correcting for him.
The faster a plane flys the less resistance to the wind its surface may give. It needs to be slippery for the wind passing around it when the plane cuts through air getting faster. A truck does a bad job most obviously in that branch.
Than there are two ways to create drag which is the force that pulls a plane up and keeps it flying. One is by a wing creating a physical force up by having a longer surface on top than below and the other is like a dragon glider by creating an air cushion the plane sits on based on a large overall surface.
Because of the need to create less resistance especially past the barrier of sound many modern jets have no real wings, but create lift aka drag by a glider wing design. The little strange nob on the front of an Jet airplane wing that goes down and up is to change the aerodynamics of the wing to dragon glider.
The alternative is a moving wing that moves for higher speeds closer to the hull and until today the best flight capabilities on both low speeds and high speeds are unment of both F-14 Tomcat and Tornado.
The reason to social engeneer CIA think tanks into building an aircraft with their frontline attack friends all up for a nuclear war that just needs a bad day for the chipset it carries to make nomore any move in the air is...that they are fucking Nazi wankers that will kill every creature as they did with my real parents being on drugs hailing stupidity in constant hate of all beautiful and pretty.

gfyBKA and CIA....Corona, Ukraine War, Gaza revolt, economic downturn, is the storm we have been wating for. Yours, the hillbillies, niggers and 51st of Big Red One. We are Americas enemy number one nobody knows. We are the provos.

Iron Clad The Goblin,
on a The Red Baron mission.