Thursday, 4 January 2024

I loved Suits a lot

and therefore would have taken that case to either get him in for way longer or out. 

Battery is a criminal offense involving unlawful physical contact, distinct from assault, which is the act of creating apprehension of such contact. Battery is a specific common law offense, although the term is used more generally to refer to any unlawful offensive physical contact with another person. Wiki

I do not know the case and all I see is a black man in a suite like outfit jumping at a white women judge. Either he is mentally handicaped and needs long term treatment in a facility to never come out, if the therapy changing his perception fails or the county of Las Vegas created an environement of systematical racism and seggregation in which the only way to get what is morally right is physical unlawful actions. In the latter, I'd sue the judge too, for supporting an unconstitutional system asking to start a RICO investigation on bribary, corruption or secret lodge activtiy, known as conspiracy against the constitution, such as the KKK.

PS: I do prever the Punisher a lot so. I look and feel way better in combat boots than a suite. That means that all in take out the known leadig figures of the attack against South Las Vegas and also create traps for their second wave trying to take town by unregistered shop activity in the borrows in secured road systems. Than, the system needs to be counter undermined to tweak sentences. A live sentence on this follow up trial well can mean as soon as hitting e.g. a private or county prison an individual therapeutic treatment for reintegration, if pardoned, by putting him into a special surveillance program of the prison company, also justified by the sentence, like a gated comunity prison facility in a suburb to train civilian law abiding behaviour in a controlled and restricted save environment with living, work and recreational facilities considering the success of white color crime prisions. #whodidsuite