Kermani was a General of Iran that survived several attacks until President Trump ordered a successful attack using the U.S. Drone fleet. Now another attack struck a group moaning his passing.
Obviously, in the propaganda battle the still in power religious extremists that took that power from a very liberal and progressive Shah called King by the very help of Western Secret Services blames Israel for a quite successful Provitional IRA style remote controlled precision bomb attack.
Several underground organisations and organistions also bussy in the undeground are also capable of the very excellence of the Provitional IRA, that is not the Provos I am constantly braggin about.
Imagine that I am not a crazy freak waiting for a heroic death avoiding mental hospital time, but that I actualy know what I am doing and stating.
Than, the Mullah regime in Iran was a direct employee of the CIA, but wihout all Americans knowing. Than, most of the attacks were done by Iranian resistance groups, possibly of Kings heritage who had a loyal aristocracy with capable Knights all along his path to create an open and prosperous society instead of a main Heroin smuggle route protecing regime hurrassing especially woman every possible opportunity and all others having fun in life....until a guy that was voted to protest against the establishment in the U.S. politics Crew running Washington took out someone some other guys forgot to mention some about....some realy bad things...I mean realy realy bad things....I can't...anyway...
Some time ago, around the retreat out of Afgahnistan Iran faced some explosions in Guards Barraks who were basically the regimes enforcers and also a major explosion just a few miles north of Afgahnistan sending a few tonns of ammo to hell alltogether with a major blast for IED ready source material stored in the harbour of Beirut as fertilizer and since Hamas gone leathel nuts with a new level of brutality, the U.S. administration is pushing attacking Iran directly into the radio and TV waves.
Isreal is about to face a longer campaigne, because they did not manage to exclude all those parts of society that harboured the spirit of the treator murdering Itzak Rabin, that will change all of the Middle East. At some point surpression becomes so unbearable that death is the better option especially, if the dying took a few surpressors with him making sure their lifestyle ended.
At some point, words are not enough anymore.
This war is not only Ukraine against Russia and Arabs agains Isreal, it is becoming all about The New World Order step by step. If you insist on ruling in this order despite your wealth coming from Holocaust victims and clandestine operations, we turn this world into Chaos to kill your rule based on a simple system called Top to Bottom order using that you lost understanding of a more complex world to get all of you, like Landau Jews. One by One, where ever you are hiding....CIA, BKA, Mossad you name it.
What if everybody does what they want? Everytime.....over and over again...