Thursday, 4 January 2024

TussyInc SWAT

Officer, I, I, ... he run right in front of my car. 
This is the longest  and widest breaking rubber line I ever saw....
Yeah, I hit the breakes, but I had already hit the guy and I was not too fast this is an open part of the Autobahn. I had no chance. He just was there. I was on the right line and his black clothes...
They stoped because of an engine failure and when she pulled the hand break he just ran. She also said that he had mental problems lately and was in a therapy.
This is all legal?
It is in Ireland and I am on my way to Poland.
What is that?
It is a 700 horse power all wheel drive kit car with Porsche wheels, They are just the best.
How fast where you?
About 270. It is late and no traffic.
A Kit Car....Mmmmh.
Yes. Officer.