The Central Intelligence Agency is searching for intelligence, but litterly intelligence. The founders of the CIA were all a bunch of failing frat boys coming from Confederate backgrounds that still had a slave owner education. They basically believe that others are supposed to work for them.
In some videos about the CIA it even says that one of the founders, after serving in the Navy Intelligence Brigade, that was actually the communication brigade, was rather lacking success in his Wall Street Job that required indepth analytics of companies and correct market movement predictions especially if not using insider information. One line of news in the Wall Street Journal can turn you a very rich man, if you just had that informtation with enough time before the others or predicted it correctly by analytical work using a brain superior to a slave owner breed doubting that owning slaves is stupid to begin with.
The Confeds knew that during the Civil War only a few generations ago the rebells outsmarted their ancisters pretty much every time and that their forces stood no chance against the African and mainly Irish-French origin rebells.
The remainings of the Confederation lived on in a secret society known as the Ku Kucks Klan or KKK and all founders of CIA, FBI, FED and ATF must have been high ranking members.
The CIA was founded to have an organisation using more than Klan tactics of intimidation better known in public as Woodoo Tricks and Hurrassment and Mob Riots, but were searching for gifted humans to exploid them for their own profit. Who is best in school, performs best in music and writes the best esseys in collage and who's company is performing best?
In the 1920 when all philosophy looked for Utopias such as Communism, one utopic system that served all humans equally if just would all share selflessly, or free markets being selfregulating by industrial age, when Charly Chaplin warned of the downsides of modernisation that also played fashism and slave systems into hands by mass production of full automatic fire arms for also humans on high potent drugs from industrial laboratories with even worse mass murder systems already invisioned, these men managed to gain major power position pretty much the same way as The Grimaldies got publically known hold of their small but powerful country: They sneaked in and murdered the owners....
Today all major companies are under CIA control, their forgine missions caused millions of dead humans by triggering revolts and revolutions world wide and their copy right theft from their very own Americans and Europeans no matter the race goes into the billions of Dollars and as many are pushed into poverty without any chance of a wealthier live.
Google the Messiah List FBI, The end of the Iran Shah or Columbian Contras, Mexican Kokain Smugglers and CIA, Pershing Rockets in Germany and the Student Protests, check real Woodstock Footage to check your picture of Hippis and wonder if Heroin helps to play the Guitare, if Amphetamine is base to Tecno creativity. Actually, it is all around and find yourself joining me in the fight. They will come up and tell you you are mentally ill or you kill them. Trust me... I am a Rebell and we have history and all resources are limited.
Like my patience...