Would you believe me that this is a simulator that only shows the wrong Helicopter with too many flaires, but that the Tiger is capable of what that gamer does, while especially all German military presentation vids show basically a Pilot in an full next gen rally car using it like a fucking Dacia going Lidle shopping on a Saturday high noon?
Fuck You again. It would need free training instead of check list ordered movement. You hate skaters and love syncronic formation swimming. Guess who fucks whom after we're done screwing around? No hints...
PS: While the BKA SS was busy sneaking into my home having a paint job in my underwear, the CIA was running for already twenty years an entire devision to find the guy that used Star Wars Hollywood technology based on an RPG colour splitter using VHS tapes at night when he got hands on by social engeneering his CIA contractor daddy having high end video equipment for BullShit training videos in his software company to distract by serving the US pop coltoure underground, froim him in night time having had all UNIX stations surfing by parallel dial up connection CIA and BKA servers to hinder your Day X project by altering the alogorythms for your qualification and profiling prgrams looking for intelligent live among those you are supposed to serve and not exploid as a human resource, you lazy stupid assholes aka Nazis.
You ain coming, I come for you... L'enfant de Robespierre, veritable.
PS; Which colour all Barracks maintenance faclities are painted in and which tapes do you get in the PX? Mmmhh....