Thursday, 4 January 2024

The weirdest of all hypothesis

is that there are actually different human races for any other reason than to justify slavery. Slave nations existed only as the oldest in the Americas run by Mayas and Inkas, then by the Biblical Egyptians even so in a way softer version and in the Roman Empire by excessive violance, while the Germans never managed to establish a stable slave nation and therefore mass murdered everyone to finally loos their Reich. The lausiest and worst attempt. Split offs from the Germans are all Deutsch Herren Orden nations namingly the Conferderate States of America and Apartheid South Africa that both keep their actual origine rather secret hiding as Buren or Anglo-Saxons. Only the Germans never had Kolonies or slaves....but than one day...

The Germans also developed a race theory to justify their lifestyle and both other actually German slave based enteties also had varieties of them. Instead of Jews, Latinos and Coloured are different from Black with Indians somewhere inbetween they all fail to make any sence until you see the slave masters.

I understand that the Human derives from Monkeys that started a nomad life and therefore over generations their body and bones changed to walking machines from climbing trees in small areas. When I look at the Germans around me I see, as much as I can see a monkey in the mirror, rats and rabbits.

So, what Amazonia a Capybaras managed to walk upright and cannot deal with hard drugs at all, like you know what I mean???...and is humanoid after all somehow. I mean they are different the Germans, but cowards in opposite to raptiles and dump in opposite to aliens that made it here.

Fuck You...