Friday, 2 February 2024

Loosing Africa to Russia

Just enter Africa Real Estate into YouTube and start wondering why that would happen?
Maybe, the West should not come to Africa using a bunch of household slaves to build European houses about 4,6 thousand kilomters further south. 
That's where it gets hotter and more humid, but on a level ACs can't fix nomore.
The sad truth is that all those with enough cash in The West that can invest in Africa have that money from Holcaust profiteurs. There is not one rich German that is not directly connected to Nazis and the rest of Europe is pretty much the same, which you only can understand, if you comprehend the social-economic change in society that was caused by two world wars triggered by The Germans expanisionism creating todays unfair, tyrannic national system in which only force is an accepted argument, as last time in the 60ies and soon again by an interest monetary system collaps.
Considering the investments most likely failing to make profit of those rich when going into still human countries the comming turn around by break down could become extremly violant from the nations side. The Germans used SA and SS attacking their neigbours to avoid national bankrupcy and murdered their way through Europe to finally cut a deal below the two nuclear super powers. The Stalinists stripped every business men of his possesion and the House Hanover took down The Travellers from which the Stewards derived from that were the backbone of British trade and industrialisation even calling the docklands, demolished in the 60ies slums. All in common also wipeing their enemies of their history books. You will believe that communist history books did not mention humans like the Fugger or successful business men having happy workers, won't you?
And me. I am just crazy in need of medication.....obviously. Certainly no Franconian Knight educated Stew.....too weired.TheGermans.