Wednesday 27 March 2024


 A nation cannot go bankrupt in its own currency as stated in all around 24:09. Because they can print an invinit amount of money. 
First of all, as an economist, you have to cut out the word "invinit" from every thought and deeply understand that the very reason why mankind started with economy as a philosophy and teaching lession is that every resource is limited.
Despite the amount of paper and ink, there are limits to the amount of cash that can be produced.
Obviously, those are reached way earlier than the paper industry running out of source materials.

The Dollar does represent no Gold anymore, but for the U.S. American One Dollar represents a part of a Burger, a pack of chewing gum and minutes at work.

For other nations, as in his context important, One Dollar represents a bolt, a fuse, a few grams of corn from the USA and in the Dollar's case also from other nations that will accept Dollars.

China and Russia will have a word on the FED changing what they can get for One Dollar by investing into more paper and ink as they prefere investements into more bolts and corn

Nations tend to murder humans like me over such tiny little issues, historically.

or the pints of beer per ten Dollars
and its more important who knows you than whom you know
R.I.P Broh