Wednesday 27 March 2024

The Farmers

 I was educated by a secret knight from a forbidded order and the core lession was that all wealth comes from the acre. This protest is the beginning of either surpression or ending nations.
The amount of subsideries that are impacting farming, the fact that only 5 companies own all brands and products in the Supermarket and that every public economist states the wealth comes from industrial production is the core problem and why we still have to trade in interest based Bible forbidden money.

Natons only serve a few, like an Empire, and in all The West those are a the very few super rich that do not share their fortune, but work on keeping their richness no matter the cost for all others.
Macron wants everyone to work two years longer, but his rich owner friends never worked like a farmer even so insisting their work day starts at the breakfast table reading the newspaper.

You lie.

To yourself and all others, but started believing those lies.

I do not know any other solution than revolution, to be honest. We need a different system in which money is liberated, has no interests attached, but farmers may cultivate their land to their liking, sell to whom they want and every human willing to work may work to their liking being able to defend themselfes against all tyranny from who ever challanges their freedom.



If you cannot trust your people to live without rules and policing, maybe you should choose a different poeple. I trust every village comunity to walk over to a farmer poising his land and cattle to shoot him dead, if you had no army to murder them afterwards revenging one of yours.

You do not belong to Europe and we cannot leave to a new world anymore!