Thursday, 18 April 2024

3rd World Town Development - The Blueprint


Culiacan in Sinaloa of Mexico is just an example of our towns on this planet. Munich looks about the same, but is wealthier.
The City Center is surrounded by Town Quarters and those are surrounded by Farm Land in which some Villages and Farm Houses are located.
As an example of the problems the 3rd World is not overcoming, because of limitations of our free market capitalism, we assume that many of the fields are growing potatos.
In the farm land of Munich those are sold to one big company and transported possibly a few hundred kilometers to a factory turning them into french fries to be transported back and sold in a few main stores. This is ineffecient in terms of transport and keeps labour down. 
All 3rd world towns need more labour, more work. In towns such as Culiacan the entire town would be better off, if the farmers have a or several large farmers markets to sell directly to others of same economic size that use potatos in their restaurants, cantines, food stands and local shops. It does make more sence to have industrialy produced small machines that compete with a good kitchen knife offered to turn the potatos into fries, than having cheap industrial french fries offered, because the small trade way keeps more humans in labour and therefore on a cash stream. 3rd world towns lack hooking up all to the cash streams of town.
This way also traffic increases and the town has customers for building a railway for those 16km from the villages into town gettig open jobs and workers together. In 3rd world towns you stay at home lacking options and main corpos sell nothing.
If Culiacan manages to get more humans into its City Center increasing street life by more tiny shops of all kinds, more town furniture like benches and those typical Spanish fountains as old as the Spanish Trade Armada humans will also connect and each of those connections is a potential development option for business, personal or family growth. That's what City Centers started from having Market and Church as historic cores.
Big Corps cannot fix that, they can come ontop of a existing communities that live in exchange already to offer their products like Computers, Phones, Cars and cheap clothing enabling the next step in development from secure poverty to starting wealth opportunities.
The nation can help farmers and towns to do long term investemenst such a rail way on top of an existing high way or planting fruite trees along the fields increasing easy travell, securing micro climats of the fields and creating weekend destinations escaping town.
As a matter of fact, that all can happen in all arms right next to any street or underground war. 
Someone just needs to start doing more than killing or wating for the killing to start....I can't.