Thursday, 18 April 2024

Max Headrooms of Success

This guy is undoubtfully currently the most succesful motivation trainer and sales guru with close competition, but he is the top dog.
On success and failure he puts it onto will power and has the example of a Guru that drowns his student to have im understand he'll have success only, if he wants success as much as breathing the moment he faced getting murdered by drowning.
This is no European values. We had in our history the most violant uprisings and wars when slave drivers ruled us. Slave drivers believe that a good worker needs chains and a wip and no help, support, love and understanding.
Way before Christ gave us the holy message about God, that God is good, but his ways are mysterious and we have to continue trusting in good as God's work no matter the suffering, we developed equal rule based on equal votes; We declared first universal human rights even before the Chinese and clarified in philosophy that we come forward only as humans, if we support and help each other.
There were always enemies to that idea of love making the world go forward. Plato's Ideal State was a devided segregational tyranny and he was killed by the people of Athens, Rome fell from Republic into a human kidnapping, slave running tyranny against most parts of the rest of Europe.
Those the Romans called Barbarians or Germans split up their villages when they became a threat to the surrounding nature, while Rome turned one million humans to end in Nero's flames when deseases struck by the first and prviliged citizens of the Roman Empire having creaed a huge kloake all around town.
The way to success to be tought by the Guru would have been to hear the man saying that he does not want to learn to swim and ask him how he defines success, like Pythagoras taught to teach.
Soon, we will once again have war over Europe's aliens. Die White Pride! This time you can't hide world wide and we have learned swming and diving, while you thought we had drowned.
Than later, the top dog guru calls our European core values to have a good and happy life the mind set of a looser by abusing the story of the fisher that speaks to a greedy man that is jelous that the fisher man is happy, that is used by us native to Europe as a metaphor to show how dum the greedy are. The fisher man said he is happy, the greedy man said you will be happy, not understanding that he won't be for most of his live on the greedy man's path.
We are since one thousand years, when you aliens to our values murderd our pilgrams on their journy to Jerusalem by pretending to be our brothers in faith the moslems, in war against your excuses to force this man into labour for your wealth, draining his fishgrounds for your wealth, taking your money for your wealth and living your lifestyle for your wealth. All of us work, except you, you talk, but refuse to argue.
The fisherman should have killed the man with his paddle and not let him walk off, becaue the greedy man for well understood the fisherman's values and mind set.
I am Sorry, World, that we were soft on them.

I seldomly swear to protect the American way of live, Freedom
which is why France donated the Statue of Liberty