Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Now, it was no accident anymore

Freemaisoners. Remember all stories against them and what I stated they realy were? 
First This and now That.
My and all of mine actual direct enemy, while most Police is just bystanders.
Crusaders or in Arabic, Mudjahhedin, against Heretics
In this coming war we will in Europe face a hardcore fraction against our true story put into symbols and paintings to show our values through coming generations on targeting something that cannot defend itself by a third fraction. 
Protecting monuments is a difficult task. This is the second building that cought fire during renovation works. That style of all in one go has to end for the time being and be limited to only maintenance and securing buildings remaing virtual projects for online museuums.
There can be no water systems build in, but there are foams out that do preserve stuctures and paintings as much as fighting fire. Museums do have standardised safety systems and especially MI5 developed security protocols for closed public spaces against Terror attacks by bombs, which well can be fire starters instead of shrapnel drivers in coopoeration with Scotland Yard.
Based on the same grounds every German Officer may perform an ID Check being tolerated by all other EU nations, you well can do some real work and create a list of historic buildings blasting your travell expenses to create a list of required upgrades on fire and therefore human safety.
Imagine there was a guided tour!

Europol, innit?