Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Retreat to the High Ground

 The more simple minded among us will base all strategy all around the high ground living and breathing a hirarchical society. Therefore, all of Russia is Putin and hardly any report shows any other humans as powerful figures of Russian society, but every action against a challanger no matter of from the West or of from Russia is reported on.
The same applies fot war strategies. The tank is the highest rising landbased object and when NATO goes directly against Russia the Air Force will be key, no matter well hidden infantry soldiers carrying Stinger rockets or sabotage platoons clearing enemy air bases.
I recon, they will also react in times of outside preassure with trying to take the high ground, the top position stronger than ever.
All eyes away from an underdog looser way to aggressvly trained than to fuck around with being all morally on the rightous side standing against an abusive system???? If the preassure gets just big enough?

Did you hear my prayers, Allmighty? I still want those feathers to have him walk....

A Devil's Owned