Wednesday, 17 April 2024

The German G culture

 So, in my Cyberpunk Cafe in a parallel universe we don't fuck around anymore with drugs and have simchips to feel like a 17 years old having a shower plugged directly into our brain. Imagine the possibilites....
You miserable junkies have wars and wreck entire societies over hard drugs like Fentanyl, instead. That stuff costs about 150 Dollars per gramm to about 200 Dollars. If you don't score yourself and consider being a poor fuck somewhere in Mexico a bad option you might carry a Rucksack of 20kilos over a stupid fence the end customers did pay for or their former bosses of the corporate world that remained into this future world, but no Mexican ever; And than you carry a load of up to 200 times 1000 times 20 thats 4 and all zeros like 4 00 000 0 written like 4.000.000. Obviously, it takes some time to sell that 20 kilos yourself gram by gram. This times the clients you will be fine getting a fixed sum for the transport job.
Just, what do you think the guys that gave and the guy that awaits those 4 with all zeros to be cashed in against the worst possible targeted client group, do with you, if you are responsible with no good excuse such as "Customs outguned me" missing all 4 and zeros? Hence the expression "They Zero You".
Funny, if it does not happen to you.
Than, there are the Germans and you will keep thinking in Sinaloa or L.A. what could be the reason for a kill attempt in a fast food resaurant among Clan and Rockers like here.....
Let's put it like that: Testo is bad for you, especially when you are already stupid with no humor and disqualify from bodybuilder crews therefore. 
Weed is such a good product. Kilos easy in 3000 to 10000 range, nice sweet clients and small profits of 50 to 100%. Guys. It is just weed. No reason to get shot for. Sadly, TheGermans are a bunch of hard druged cunts including some BKA officers calling it "Medication" and you will have to shoot them.