from a point on in which the abusive are gone? We all get born equal in the face of God being Good. Babies differ a lot in size and looks, but they all have a need for protection, someone serving them and the drive to explore in comon.
The Good need to be protected from the Bad, and this is done by the Evil, if anyone would just use the term based on the Book of Hijob instead of swapping it with the Sanke in Paradise.
When babies turn children they will start asking questions and start a more sophisticated form of exploring. After speaking there is reading to be learned to continue exploring and at this point it needs books to satisfy a humans thurst for exploring and therefore progress.
Just as God ordered us to go on in this world and thrive.
Therefore, it needs a library with a good set of books, and that is were the Bad will make sure their own books are set like having told you before there was no need for you to know, that is accessable and affordable by the Good and protected by the Bad.
All systems that turned abusive or were abusive to begin with were set around work. The socialist worker and farmer or the national socialst Ayrian worker.
Those that pray for peace and love awaiting his Kingdom come all build a society around books.
You do not have to be religious to understand that before using any machine you need to read the manual at least and that is a small book.
Knowledge is Power and I want all power to the people knowing that I have to kill the stupid arrogant to get there.
Right, BKA and CIA?