Wednesday 26 June 2024

A real threat, but decentralised

Provos is a thing. Hard to find, but most likely still on the top position of the CIA's Terrorist Gangs list off for the FBI due it's international character. 
We are a decentralised cell system without a central head. Legally, if the Germans would admit I was not a Paranoid Schizophrenic but actually realy dangerous before I kill Police Officers, I was as a one man gang no criminal organisation. That needs more than solitude. 
Provos Cells are not connected at all. I could not have under cover managed to get UN mission tanks into Mogadishu to get my Big Red One brothers in arms out, if I was still even connected by a secure IRC connection. 
Provos is like a P2P system. You all want the same thing. Freedom, life and beat the Nazi syndicates exploiting us and others, but you do not know from whom you pull help when looking for some that needs to be done. 
We are the highest level of a system structure that copies insects like bees, ants or termites, but there is a low level one, too. 
Same and same like to unite is a translation from a German saying: Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich gern. 
You Germans might be facing a wave of immigrants that only came here inparticular based on what is known about Germany, without any other connection but hear say, being therefore of comparable character, attitude and mind set now doing their thing. 
What if they connect here? 
Many are from decades of civil war or gang activities kicked out of war zones or slum anarchy, pretending to be victims out of finding them past having arrived in a weak situation having failed to dominate where they came from, now finding like minded others. 
Nazi goes around, Nazi comes around another way, possibly.