Monday 29 July 2024

Israels vulnerability to Amphibic Operations

Israel has a small stripe of densly populated holiday resorts, modern planned cities and ancient towns facing mainly flat beaches turning only man made structures into fortifications. 
None of them are of military nature. The strongest military fortification is still the Old Town of Acre that with just one Frigatte dedicated to Anti Air Threats can be turned into an operational main base for a seaside force dedicated to take and hold not more than the very coastline by a naval force taking everything except the main towns of Tel-Aviv and Haifa leaving civilian escape routes open while being engaged in house to house combat by Marines under navel based guided missile and ship artillery fire support.
The missing link is that classic WW2 Destroyers are not in use anymore. Considering them being large canon boats with a dozen main battle tank canons on board, even as reused container cargo ships using standard sized modular shipping containers for Canon, Ammo and operating Crew, being perfect artillery support with ranges of 30 to 60 kilometers and therefore cruxial to such an operation they are just not existing createing a huge disadvantage for a potentially main force attacking above the current militia levels that have to operate landbased or by only small beach line special forces operations.