Tuesday 30 July 2024

Selection of Staff

This is heading the wrong way by the first second 
That's how it must be done.
There are two parts. Personal and Object selection. 
The closer a Member of Staff will get within his clearly defined and surveilled parameters of movement, the better he must be selected based on Good Character believing in those values Churchill put into simple words. The most comprehensive Psychological Test is within The French Foreign Legion facing humans without any prior record. The best within the US is of Big Red One finding also among offenders those of good character and understanding their limits. Opportunity makes thieves, beside your character and need in bad times.
The other is selecting the Object for in this case a Rally. It must be close to good roads to also enable citizens to leave independently with wounded loved once to a hospital in a worst case scenario. It must have limited and controllable lines of sight and be able to have several security layers established. No-one will control anyone in a Sportsbar watching in a different City even so that also might be a place of a terror attack, but everyone within average rifle range needs to be checked even on assambleble rifle systems the size of a large pistol or radio. 
Sharpening the Axe cuts a tree, not the sweat swinging it. 
05:15. There are limits to that. A Rally is different that the explosion of a Industrial Plant. Both need interoperability of different services. On security of a Rally repeatable systems can be placed using check protocols and To Do lists, but they also create a lot of paperwork on an advanced data mining level which is happening right now. In general only good action does save a human life. Like ducking or firing without asking for permission. That comes everytime when something off litterly the books happens into play, but it's not a game or something that can be directly trained like how to use a gun, it needs creativity and confidence.