Wednesday 31 July 2024

Sometimes it's just a Ghost

Any Sentinel that sees in around 05:20 an underlay in pitch dark of an arm pulling a Pistol, chambering and than aiming while in the same position as the 4 Dimensional Video picture? 
The future is not written yet or was that an either individual or collective projection by wishfull thinking? 
Every hypothesis on 4th Dimensional splits leading into parallel Universes based on those known 4 do not take any potentially furthermore existing once into account. How could they, a 5th being a known unknown and unknown unknown at the same time. 
There is only a certain set of prior decisions that lead to a specific incident which defeats the theory of an infinite amount of parallel Universes in which a certain individual or incident exists.
The Secret Service PsyOps, such as the team sieging me as I type facing an OMG racoon mission, hinder due to their tactics and strategies used for illicit missions every research beyond their medication and drug based operations.
#jedi #trainbodyandmind