Wednesday 31 July 2024

Whats really happening

Beside the usual Prostitute rip off at the ever same place covered by normal corrupting inbetween the Blue Gang and a Rocker Club a new Gang is in town. 
Soon, not only Terrorist OGs will get back all past the contact fee by kicking off a general discussion until the Rocker comes to get kicked down paying plus interests back what they owe. 
Just noone will go to the Station to report them awaiting the reaction when he hears what that guy just pulled. 
Pretty White White Boy. That face slippn. 
The fitter of the Blues originate from the German Military and are swapping Uniforms depending on the status quo threat level through all GeStaPo proclaimed territories including Paris; Which is illegal based on the nation founding treaty and they may be shot on sight therefore no matter them disagreeing on those legal terms leading to the FRG existence. 
The Turks are another group of TheGermans, but the Junky is new and appears like a Schwurbler on extremely bad gear. 
All of them intend to dominate that turff known as Reperbahn for individual reasons such as money, the Prostitutes and Pimps, easy extra and lazyimess, The Blues, expanding for more cash, The Turks and keeping the current order, Military in Blue, more cheap gear, The Junky. 
The more limited the resources the harder the fight will become taking out the weakest first, possibly all against one. 
But who is that weakest? From the perspective of idiot primates.